Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I'm done!

I cannot believe I am completely done with my first ever semester at CMU! I think I can safely say that it was nothing like I ever expected it would be! I thought I would feel a little bit more fulfilled, but I don't, at all! I'm very happy to be going home for a month, but I am sad to be leaving my wonderful bedroom and bed behind for a month. Plus, the kids still have school for another week at least and mom and dad still have work, so half the day I'm gonna be home alone anyways.

Something really pissed me off today! An old friend called just to brag about something.... how nice is that? I'm not gonna name any names, but I haven't talked to this person in a long time and to call me out of nowhere to brag is just so rude!

On another note, I feel as if something is missing in my life! I think that I need a job, or I need something so that I feel like I belong somewhere, or belong to something? I feel as if I keep searching for something and I am not finding it. The sad thing is that I have no idea what it is that I am searching for? I can't sleep at night any more, because Craig and I have gotten so used to staying up really late and taking naps during the day. But now that I have no reason to stay up late, I am scared that when I want to go to bed, my thoughts won't stop for a minute to let me sleep! We shall see, I guess?

On a happier note, I cannot wait to get my camera! And when I get home this weekend I get to pick up my new glasses! I cannt wait! I haven't had a new pair in so many years and these are really cute! When I get my new camera I will definately take a picture of them! Haha! I am also excited for our annual "Circle" (haha) Christmas Party! Last year was a lot of fun, with Ang choking as she tried to tell us her and Miah were engaged! I don't want no more surprises this year! LOL! There's been way too many this year and its crazy! Don't get me wrong, I am extremely happy for everyone, but I just keep waiting for something amazing to happen to me, I don't care what it may be, I just want to feel something? I dunno?

Anyways, I'm goonna go lay next to my sleeping prince charming and read a book by flashlight, since I can't turn the lights on until he's awake :)! Have a good week!

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