Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's just one of those days...

...where everything seems to go wrong, one thing after another! I'm so tired because I couldn't fall asleep last night! I didn't fall aseep until 2AM and then I had to wake up at 7AM! So I woke up, took Loki out to pee in the frigid cold winds....I'm standing there and standing there and he doesn't poop (like he does every single morning), so I take him in. The second I take him into the outside hallway thing, he poops! I'm like, great! So I clean it up, eat some breakfast, and get ready for class. I knew that the websited we have been working on were due today, but my teacher said he would help me finish up in class, because I wrote him an email about how confused I am! Well, I got about five minutes of help and that was it. He told me that I could come back at 11:00 when he had his next class and he would help me at the beginning. So I go to my second class, then go all they way back to the education building for help.....I sat through the entire frickin class before he came up to me and said "Do you have any other questions?"! I'm just kinda like "uhm....yeah"! So anyways, I got no help and I thought I would be done with it today, but now its due Thurday and I have to hope that he will help me at the BEGINNING of class this time! So then I leave and go to Kroger real quick and I was just gonna pick up Loki real quick and then go to Craig's for some lunch, but of course, I just HAD to lock my keys in my bedroom! So I got to break in my room with a damn butterknife!

I'm just like, WOW! If one more thing goes wrong, I might puch something! It might not sound like a bad day to you, but I was just frustrated! And now I am going to take a nap, then wake up and do homework for most of the night! I have a paper to finish and some homework for one of my other classes!

I just found this pic on an old flash drive! It was Craig's clever idea for something he did for a graphic design class! It makes me feel cool! Haha! j/k

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